Science And Technology

Think differently and live differently: Guide your life in Love and Happiness

Think differently and live differently to change your life. You are a very good guy overall. And also, you deserve to live a fantastic life that is filled with success, love, and excitement.

You are authorized to happy relationships, excellent health, a satisfying career, and financial independence. Your natural rights are these: This is what your life is supposed to be about.

You were created with high levels of self-respect, pride in who you are, and achievement in mind. In all of human history, there has never been anyone quite like you. You are extraordinary person at everywhere and anytime. You hold incredible unused skills and capacities that, when properly developed and put to use, can endowment you access to anything you desire in life.

Right now is the happiest time in human history to be alive. You can exploit a crowd of possibilities that are available to you to complete your objectives. The only true limitations on who you are, what you can do, or what you own are ones that you place on yourself as a result of the way you think. Your prospects are, essentially, limitless.


After reading the previous four paragraphs, how did you feel my beloved fellows? You most likely received two replies. First of all, you agreed with what they said and wished with all your heart that it were so. But your second response was definitely one of skepticism and distrust. Even though you have a strong desire to have a wonderful life filled with health, happiness, and prosperity, as soon as you read those words, your worries and doubts spring to mind, reminding you of the reasons why your ambitions and aspirations might not come true. Join the crowd, guys!

A Years ago, I can still remember having the same emotions. I wanted to be very successful in life, but I didn’t get what I want in my life anymore. I wanted to show my pure heart to all human beings, but I didn’t do so. I had ideas how to improve the situation. I felt as though I was caught between big concepts and little resources and chances. My life was forever changed when I learned a little bit extraordinary principles that have been behind all of history’s greatest successes and accomplishments. To guarantee that your lifestyle should be changed. Live and think differently my lovely folks as much as possible.

I tried to guide some of people on the way of love and peace. I hoped them that they should cover their life by love and peace. However, they are selected hate in place of love, racism in place of unity and collaboration, failure in place of success, sad in place of happiness, and criticize in place of supporting each other’s.


You become what you think about the majority of the time, which is debatably the most significant mental and spiritual truth ever found.

Your external environment closely resembles your internal environment.

What’s happening within you is reflected in what’s happening outside of you.

By observing a person’s external circumstances, you can infer information about how they are feeling on the inside. And there is no other way.


Your intellect is quite strong. Almost everything that happens to you is influenced and determined by your ideas. They have the power to change your blood’s chemical composition, your heart rate, your ability to digest food, and whether they help you fall asleep or stay up at night.

Your thoughts have the power to instantly make you happy or sad. They have the power to make you focused and aware, or distracted and down. They have the power to influence your popularity, insecurity, and overall attitude. Your thoughts have the power to change you into a victim, a winner, a hero, or a coward. Think differently and live differently to arrive at your destination.

Your thoughts have the power to determine whether you are successful or unsuccessful, affluent or impoverished, respected or disregarded in your material life. Your entire existence is determined by your thoughts and the behaviors they inspire. The good news is that you are in complete control of them.


You are an elaborate web of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, desires, visions, anxieties, hopes, doubts, opinions, and aspirations that change constantly at times even moment by moment. These aspects of your personality interact with one another, occasionally in unexpected ways. These factors are interconnected and intertwined throughout your entire life.

Your ideas produce visuals, feelings, and other related things. Attitudes and behaviors are a result of these emotions and visuals. Then, you are determined by the consequences and outcomes of your activities. 

You’ll feel powerful and capable and perform better no matter what you try if you think about success and confidence. No matter how good you are in reality, you will perform poorly if you worry about messing up or looking foolish. So, think differently and live differently.

From your imagination or outside incentives, pictures and images generate ideas, feelings, and attitudes that relate to them. They then set off events that resulted in particular consequences and results. A person or circumstance can suddenly make you feel joyful or depressed, thrilled or angry, loved or alone.

Attitudes, deeds, and feelings

Your attitudes, whether they are constructive or destructive, generate related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that have an impact on your relationships and quality of life. Furthermore, your opinions are based on your basic assumptions about how things should work as well as previous experiences.

Your behavior sets off the associated attitudes and feelings. You can truly act your way into feeling in a way congruent with the action, thanks to the Law of Reversibility. When you behave as though you already are, you soon discover that you are internally happy, positive, and self-assured. Furthermore, unlike your emotions, your actions are directly within your control.

By itself, the outside factors in your life are neutral. Your attitudes, ideas, feelings, and reactions to them are solely determined by the meaning you assign to them. You may alter how you feel and act in any area of your life by altering the way you think about it. You have the power to completely take control of your life because only you have the authority to decide what to think.


The Law of Belief states that whatever you believe will come to pass in your life.

Whether or not your deepest and most strongly held ideas are true, you always behave in a way that is consistent with them. Your beliefs were all imparted to you. They were absent earlier.

Your world is mainly influenced by your beliefs. Instead of believing what you see, you perceive what you already believe. You can have positive self-perceptions about yourself and your potential that serve as barriers to realizing everything that is possible for you, or you can have negative self-perceptions about yourself and your potential that make you unhappy and pessimistic.

Your self-limiting beliefs are the worst kinds of beliefs you might own. These are the self-limiting ideas that prevent you from reaching your full potential. The majority of them are false. The majority of them are the outcome of knowledge you’ve accepted without question, frequently since early childhood. Even if it is completely untrue, if you hold the belief that you are incapable of obtaining great health and happiness or amassing substantial wealth, that belief will eventually become your reality. In his book Illusions, Richard Bach said, “Argue for your constraints, and sure enough, they’re yours.” Think differently and live differently to motivate and be an inspiration to your community.


The Law of Attraction states that you are a “living magnet” who consistently attracts into your life people, ideas, opportunities, and situations that align with your dominant thinking. Your situation is either attracting or repelling others from you as a living magnet. I checked this condition on myself within a few years ago. My beloved folks, try to be like a positive charge metal when the people surrounding you comes to your life as a living magnet.

    When you think happy, upbeat, loving, and successful thoughts, you produce a force field of magnetism that draws the things you are thinking about like iron filings to a magnet. This law explains why you don’t need to worry about where your goods will come from. If you can focus your thoughts on what you want and avoid thinking about what you don’t want, you will attract everything you need to reach your goals at the exact moment you are ready. Change your way of thinking, and your life will change.


The best proof that something can be done is that someone else has previously done it, according to English philosopher Bertrand Russell. In the New Testament, Jesus explained how to judge the truth of an idea by saying, “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”

Or to put it another way, the only thing you need to know about any idea is whether it works. Does it produce the outcomes you’re hoping for? The Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once said, “Your capacity to make precise predictions based on a theory or idea is the only true measure of a theory or idea.”

       The good news is that the concepts and rules you are going to learn have already been put to the test and have been validated by the experiences and lives of millions of individuals. Like any other natural law, they have no inherent value. There is no favorite in nature. And nature treats everyone equally. Any seed you plant in the earth will be sprouted by nature. Your mental seeds will also sprout in the natural world. You are completely in control.


Successful people tend to think more clearly than those who are unsuccessful. They take a different approach than other people to their lives, relationships, goals, issues, and experiences. Better seeds are sown, and better lives are reaped as a result. You will soon have the same kind of life that other affluent, successful, happy, and healthy people do if you start thinking and acting like them. Your life transforms when you adopt a new perspective. Live and think differently.

Humor does not charm nature. She is always earnest, hard-charging, and reliable. And also, she is always correct, and human error and fault are constant. She hates men who can’t appreciate her, and she only gives up and shares her secrets with the right, the pure, and the true. She has many fellows and singers.

My beloved people, I want to deliver you this blissful message. I hope it will be a key of solution in your life. I Created this blog depending on what read from several books, and what I faced challenges in my life. Some of people ideas are almost all the same with my attitude and idea.

Therefore, you should have to change your mind to accept negative ideas comes to your life from others and make it neutral to overcome abundant love and peace. Be patient to be a winner on hate, rumors, racism and discrimination. You have to think that life of the earth like the flooding water staying for a few minutes when you decide to hate others. So, try to be neutral, candle and bridge for others. Stay peace and healthy, folks.

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